The following sculptures are all focused around the concept of 'the feminine'. The creator the maker, Mattisse said 'the the woman is the centre of creation, they hold the mystery of creation', These pieces are about my exploration of our world today, they are about me trying to make sense of our world and of how we have allowed the masculine to be a controllers our deciders on so many levels and I wonder if we had allowed more equality in our world, would we be in such an environmental mess? I don't wish to be anti male, or pro female, its about a balance, I see the male, the protector/provider as a vital part of our world, but the nurturer/carer is also important.
The use of the gold, in these pieces is very significant, I recently read a piece about how the Japanese ceramicist would fill the breaks in their ceramics in gold celebrating these breaks as a change in life, a time when new things would happen, I really enjoyed this and have celebrated the breaks in my work as a symbol of change, some pieces i have purposefully broken in places so i can fill with the gold.....Enjoy.
The use of the gold, in these pieces is very significant, I recently read a piece about how the Japanese ceramicist would fill the breaks in their ceramics in gold celebrating these breaks as a change in life, a time when new things would happen, I really enjoyed this and have celebrated the breaks in my work as a symbol of change, some pieces i have purposefully broken in places so i can fill with the gold.....Enjoy.
75cm x 17cm
43cm x 13cm
43cm x 13cm
Wire Paper and light
Wire Paper and light